
3165 S Washington St
Englewood, CO 80113
(720) 551–5499

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17602 W 14th Ave
Golden, CO 80401
(303) 278–7772

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plum hill

3060 S Dahlia St
Denver, CO 80222
(720) 580–3915

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5472 S Federal Cir
Littleton, CO 80123
(720) 784-3398

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shape your world.

an independent school for all of humankind.

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  • 26

The beginning of something great.

serving families with children ages 3 months – 5 years.

A space to become intelligent, self-aware, kind, empathetic, and compassionate people who live in harmony with nature and all of humanity.

Thrive is a place where the whole child is honored and supported. A place where our creators can discover themselves and co-create their world with collaborators. A place where the focus isn’t solely on academic readiness, but readiness for life.

a collaborative community.

Where the spark of passion and curiosity drives the experience of learning.

Colorado educators and families working together to unlock a child’s creative potential and develop a life-long passion for self-discovery and learning.

spaces with space to create.

less is more.

We strive to maintain beautiful and inspiring classroom environments that are intentional in materials, allowing for minimal distractions, while allowing for a world of creative possibilities.

We use natural, open-ended materials to support healthy sensory development and promote imaginative play.

Space to create...


Space to create...


Space to create...


Space to create...


Space to create...

connection to nature

Space to create...

their own identity

methods of thinking.

everything is interesting.

We make our creators' ideas come to life in a way that expands their concept of what is possible.

Areas of Discovery
  • Language & Literacy
  • Nature & Science
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Leadership

Learning is invited through child-led projects and open-ended inquiries that are rooted in play and sensory exploration.

We provide the structure, materials, and experiences that deepen explorations into the individual needs of each child.

methods of feeling.

honor and feel everything.

We encourage the tools of awareness and a fuller understanding of emotions and feelings.

Areas of Discovery
  • Mindfulness
  • Emotional Awareness
  • Compassion
  • Empathy

Children can mindfully utilize their emotions as creative tools for conscious expression and behavior.

Our methods nurture a child’s potential to create an amazing life and transform our world.

methods of expression.

express your unique self.

We create space to authentically express ourselves and explore what inspires us.

Areas of Discovery
  • Dance & Movement
  • Visual Arts
  • Music
  • Imaginative Play

Spatial and auditory intelligence liberates our ability to better express ourselves through art and movement. When we acquire the tools to better express our feelings and thoughts we become alive. We feel free.

our people.

we’re in this together.

Leading a revolution in how children develop and reach their potential.


A Partner In Learning.

The collaborator's role is not to serve as an instructor, but rather as a co-creator, investigating alongside the children and actively engaging with them in the learning process.


A secure attachment to a consistent adult caregiver is the foundation for learning and healthy development, and is essential for establishing a child’s sense of trust and wellbeing.

Role Model.

Young children learn through imitation. Therefore, collaborators must continue to grow, evolve and become their best selves alongside our creators.

Facilitator & Curator.

Young children need a degree of predictability and structure. Our collaborators are responsible for curating meticulous and intentional open-ended classroom spaces. Spaces that ensure our little creators feel held in safety and learn healthy boundaries; while simultaneously allowing for an experience of expansive possibility and wonder.

our philosophies.

  • lead with your heart
  • honor nature
  • honor self
  • honor feelings
  • feeling is healing
  • be brave - be you
  • learn by doing
  • challenge the norm
  • give back to community
  • celebrate inclusivity
  • imagination = creation
  • everything is interesting
  • anything is possible
  • shape your world
  • love yourself
  • believe in yourself
  • be kind
  • we are all one
  • every child is unique
  • praise empathy
  • no such thing as failure
  • live in the present moment
  • live a life of passion
  • tomorrow may never come
  • be-do-have
  • never give up on your dreams

one purpose.

cultivate humanity.

The foundations of America’s educational system are failing many of our children and our planet as a whole. A period of inquiry, innovation and renewal is required.

Thrive’s approach builds upon the best systems of education, while recognizing and adapting to the crisis in humanity and education during our time on this planet.