
3165 S Washington St
Englewood, CO 80113
(720) 551–5499

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17602 W 14th Ave
Golden, CO 80401
(303) 278–7772

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plum hill

3060 S Dahlia St
Denver, CO 80222
(720) 580–3915

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5472 S Federal Cir
Littleton, CO 80123
(720) 784-3398

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Posts by admin

  1. Hopeful we can contribute to lives that are more connected, centered and conscious.

  2. Become an epicenter whose work and progress is shared between families, collaborators, relationships of various people that foster cultural, civil society and the entire community.

  3. In what ways traditional education failing our children?

  4. How can we connect with a community of families that speak the same language and collaborate together to rethink how learning works?

  5. Hopeful we can contribute to lives that are more connected, centered and conscious.

  6. How can we connect with a community of families that speak the same language and collaborate together to rethink how learning works?

  7. What if we centered learning around how to make moral decisions, to foster a sense of values, and to honor all life?

  8. Do some of the failures in learning at an early age contribute to depression and anxiety found in society?

    For a teacher to use the learning styles model, the teacher has to be able to correctly match each student to a learning style. This is a generally unsuccessful exercise due to inappropriate tools. For an assessment tool to be useful, it needs to be a valid test, which is to say that it actually…

  9. Hopeful we can contribute to lives that are more connected, centered and conscious.

  10. Create an environment that recognizes how our ways of being, individuality, impact the collective and the living world around us.