
3165 S Washington St
Englewood, CO 80113
(720) 551–5499

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17602 W 14th Ave
Golden, CO 80401
(303) 278–7772

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plum hill

3060 S Dahlia St
Denver, CO 80222
(720) 580–3915

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5472 S Federal Cir
Littleton, CO 80123
(720) 784-3398

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Miss Emily

Miss Emily

I love teaching because I get to create bonds with the kids in my class while helping them learn through their early emotional, sensory and physical experiences in these formidable years. It is so rewarding to see a child learn and apply something they have learned in class into their life and really start making those connections with other kids and the world around them. Being able to be a part of so many amazing kids’ lives and knowing that I can help them be the best version of themselves makes me happy and excited to come to work everyday.