
3165 S Washington St
Englewood, CO 80113
(720) 551–5499

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17602 W 14th Ave
Golden, CO 80401
(303) 278–7772

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plum hill

3060 S Dahlia St
Denver, CO 80222
(720) 580–3915

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5472 S Federal Cir
Littleton, CO 80123
(720) 784-3398

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Now enrolling new families for school year 2025-2026! Click here for more details about the admissions process.
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Our Dearest Friends,

Forget what you know about school.

The Thrive manifesto is a living document designed to express how we think and how we feel about learning.

This is a space for language that defines itself, ideas that redefine and authentic questions.

Your collaborators @ thrive

together they co-create the school experience.

the problem.

It’s time for a change.
The traditional approach is failing us.

Conventional teaching methods are failing to understand the nature and purpose of education.

Children are not hollow vessels waiting for a teacher to mold them into copies of themselves, or economic androids to live to work, but are human beings deserving of a holistic education that caters for all of their needs.

It is not enough to concentrate simply on academics, and readiness for adulthood. Children are complex humans that need more.

the solution.

Fixing the future.
For better lives, for a better world.

Thrive is a new school where children can find purpose and shape their world rather than having meaning handed down and purpose assigned to them.

We cultivate mental, emotional, and sociological tools used for creative thought and communication.

how we do it.

An unconventional approach.
A focus on learning, not teaching.

For creators to thrive we must apply the same methods of exploration and discovery that are alive in the lessons themselves.

Our entire approach is centered around projects designed to holistically nurture self-awareness and creative potential.

who we are.

Guides to the world.
We feel as much as we think.

We believe the honoring of our feelings is the doorway to a more connected, loving, unified and meaningful world.
