
3165 S Washington St
Englewood, CO 80113
(720) 551–5499

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17602 W 14th Ave
Golden, CO 80401
(303) 278–7772

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plum hill

3060 S Dahlia St
Denver, CO 80222
(720) 580–3915

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5472 S Federal Cir
Littleton, CO 80123
(720) 784-3398

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Miss Jhordan

Miss Jhordan

The hard days are why I teach. The moments where there are tears and raw emotion are the days where I as a teacher make the most difference. I find a patience and love within that I can only have and give to these small, beautiful souled, children. Those moments when you extinguish the flame and guide through the chaos makes it worth it. The change and clarity in their eyes and demeanor when you guide them through the moment is a lifelong lesson. The laughter and joy should be expected but to be able to allow them the grace and understanding when it isn’t there is truly special.