3 years and older
This program is offered at the following locations:
Your child is becoming more independent every day! In the three-year-old classroom we aim to foster that sense of independence and encourage children to explore freely while we create a curriculum that fosters exploratory growth in social, emotional and academic milestones to prepare them for their PreK year. We set the environment to encourage healthy risk-taking, problem-solving with their peers, emotional regulation and identification, and teamwork with their fellow classmates.
in these classrooms, we reach towards developmental milestones such as...
- Social skills such as problem-solving, friendship, turn-taking, and using kind words to express our needs and wants.
- Understanding other friends hay have different feelings about the same situation.
- Fine motor skills such as writing, cutting with scissors, and using utensils.
- Practical skills such as cleaning and organizing, getting dressed independently, following multi-step directions.
- Exposure to letters and language skills through rhyme, rhythm, circle time, stories, and diverse vocabulary.
- Math skills such as sorting, classifying, ordering expressing themselves creatively through unique artwork.
- Gross motor skills through indoor/outdoor play spaces hands-on science, technology, mathematics, and engineering experiences (stem).
- Exploring, experimenting, engaging!
the daily rhythm.
Welcome and Dropoff
Dropoff outside, place lunches and snacks in classroom
Classroom Free Play/Exploration
Small group activities, choice making times, provocations, exploration with intentional materials, potty transition
Circle Time
Discussions, music, books relating to topic of study
Morning Snack.
Outdoor Play.
Indoor large motor activities in wet or cold weather.
Small or Large Group Activity.
Activity, provocation, experiment, or exploration, potty transition.
Lunch Time.
Prepare for Nap
Potty transition, wash hands and face, meditation or music to wind down
Nap Time.
Wake Up Transition.
Potty transition, wash hands, put belongings away.
Afternoon Snack.
Say Goodbye to Our Friends, Free Play.
Outdoor Play/Afternoon Enrichment
Core Day Pickup